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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
Barbara Brakebill Finance and Human Resources Coordinator |
423-689-1298 barbara.brakebill@tcatathens.edu |
Melinda Brown, RN Practical Nursing Instructor |
423-689-1421 melinda.brown@tcatathens.edu |
Christine Caldwell Adult Education Instructor |
crissy.caldwell@tcatathens.edu | |
Lara Crockett Financial Aid Associate |
423-689-1291 lara.crockett@tcatathens.edu |
Kim Davis Vice President |
423-689-1398 kim.davis@tcatathens.edu |
Kim Gibson, RN Practical Nursing Instructor |
423-689-1401 kim.gibson@tcatathens.edu |
Harry Gordon Accounts Receivable |
423-689-1411 harry.gordon@tcatathens.edu |
Kelly Gould Adult Education Lead Instructor |
Susan Hatto President |
423-689-1426 Susan.hatto@tcatathens.edu |
Alise Holt, RN Director of Nursing |
423-689-1278 alise.holt@tcatathens.edu |
Debbie Johnson Student Services Secretary |
423-689-1391 debbie.johnson@tcatathens.edu |
Charlene McKnight Adult Education Parapro |
charlene.mcknight@tcatathens.edu | |
Pat Miller Welding Instructor |
423-689-1397 pat.miller@tcatathens.edu |
Jerry Morgan Automotive Technology Instructor |
423-744-2814 Ext. 208 jerry.morgan@tcatathens.edu |
Kaleb Moser Machine Tool Technology Instructor |
423-689-1299 kaleb.moser@tcatathens.edu |
Melinda Parker Administrative Office Technology Instructor |
423-689-1403 melinda.parker@tcatathens.edu |
Shirley Phillips Admissions Counselor/Recruiter |
423-689-1422 shirley.phillips@tcatathens.edu |
Grant Roddy Adult Education Assistant Director |
423-682-7059 grant.roddy@tcatathens.edu |
Brenda Smith Adult Education Secretary |
brenda.smith@tcatathens.edu |
Freddy Smith Collision Repair Technology Instructor |
423-689-1390 freddy.smith@tcatathens.edu |
Josh Spangler Facilities Support Associate |
josh.spangler@tcatathens.edu |
Austen Taubert Mechanical Maintenance Electrical and Instrumentation Instructor |
423-758-8486 Ext. 622 austen.taubert@tcatathens.edu |
Ben Thurman Welding Associate Instructor |
ben.thurman@tcatathens.edu |
Tommy Tilley Mechanical Maintenance Electrical and Instrumentation Associate Instructor |
423-758-8486 Ext. 621 tommy.tilley@tcatathens.edu |
Leslie Travis Adult Education Director |
423-285-5565 leslie.travis@tcatathens.edu |
Carryl Weaver Technology Foundations Instructor |
423-689-1383 carryl.weaver@tcatathens.edu |
Chet Wolfenden Computer Electronics Instructor |
423-689-1425 chet.wolfenden@tcatathens.edu |
Hannah Wright Admissions Clerk |
423-689-1384 hannah.wright@tcatathens.edu |
Jill Yates Dual Enrollment Coordinator |
423-689-1287 jill.yates@tcatathens.edu |