Automotive Technology


As the number of vehicles in use continues to rise and with the increasing lifespan of late-model cars, more automotive technicians will be needed to repair and maintain vehicles for peak performance. Learn to troubleshoot and repair today’s automobiles in the Automotive Technology program accredited by the National

Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).

Instruction is provided through hands-on training with computerized diagnostic equipment, alignment racks, and other modern tools to diagnose, service, and repair automobiles.

Training in electronics prepares technicians to work on computerized electrical systems.

Preparation is available in each of the eight areas certified by ASE. Automotive

Technicians may find employment in car dealerships, independent shops, and service centers.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time, Part Time
Typical Program Length 16 Months
Clock Hours 1,728
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $5,760.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $3,873.28

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Brake and Chassis Technician432Certificate
Automotive Technician Apprentice864Certificate
Automotive Service Technician1296Certificate
Automotive Technician1512Diploma
Automotive and Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Technician1728Diploma


Monday - Thursday 7:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.


Campus Locations

Main Campus
1635 Technology Way
PO BOX 848
Athens, TN 37303


First Trimester: 
Worker Characteristics 6
Automotive Safety and Orientation 30
Basic Electrical 30
Brakes 150
Suspension and Steering 150
Engine Repair - I 42
Second Trimester: 
Worker Characteristics 6
Engine Repair - II 108
Heating and Air Conditioning 108
Electric and Electronic Systems - I 210
Third Trimester: 
Worker Characteristics 6
Electric and Electronic Systems - II 168
Engine Performance - I 258
Fourth Trimester: 
Worker Characteristics 6
Engine Performance - II 70
Manual Drive Trains and Axles 70
Auto Transmission and Transaxles 70
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 216


Books and Supplies Lists


Jerry Morgan

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