Residential/Commercial/Industrial Electricity


Coming 2026

The Residential/Commercial/Industrial Electricity (RCIE) program’s mission is to prepare students for the various Industrial Electricity and Residential or Commercial Electrician careers.

Skills taught in this program include:

Ohms Law, Circuits, Load Calculations, Blue Print Reading, Codes, Measuring

Instruments, Wiring Techniques, Conduit Bending, Alternating Current, Motor

Controls-Single Phase and Three Phase, Transformers, Industrial Automation,

Fiber Optic and Copper Cabling, and PLCs


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time, Part Time
Typical Program Length 16 Months
Clock Hours 1,728
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees
Textbook/Supplies Cost

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Electrician Helper432Certificate
Residential Apprentice864Certificate
Residential Wiring1296Diploma
Residential-Commercial-Industrial Electricity1728Diploma


Monday - Thursday 7:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.

Campus Locations

Building 2
251 Dennis St.
Athens, TN 37303


First Trimester: 
RIE 0001 Worker Characteristic
RIE 1010 Electric Safety & Orientation
RIE 1020 Technology Foundations
RIE 1030 Ohms Law
RIE 1040 Circuits
RIE 1050 Alternating Current
RIE 1060 Measuring Instruments
RIE 1070 Trouble Shooting
Second Trimester: 
RIE 0002 Worker Characteristic
RIE 2010 Conduit Bending
RIE 2020 Blue Print Reading
RIE 2030 Transformers
RIE 2040 Single Phase Motors
RIE 2050 Calculation of Loads
RIE 2060 Over Current Protection
RIE 2070 Codes I
Third Trimester: 
RIE 0003 Worker Characteristic
RIE 3010 Wiring Techniques
RIE 3020 Codes II
RIE 3030 Solar Photovoltaic
Fourth Trimester: 
RIE 0004 Worker Characteristic
RIE 4010 Wiring Techniques
RIE 4020 Industrial Automation
RIE 4030 Fiber Optics
RIE 4040 PLCs
RIE 4050 Three Phase Motors
RIE 4060 Motor Controls
RIE 4070 Professionalism


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