


The Cosmetology program is designed to help the student master all the skills necessary for passing the State Board Examination, selecting the phase or phases of Cosmetology in which to specialize, and entering employment. The program also provides for the upgrading and updating of employed workers. Classroom instruction and practical learning experiences are interwoven into a variety of beauty treatments, including the care and beautification of the hair, complexion, and hands. The course of study includes hands-on and classroom instruction in giving shampoos, rinses, scalp treatments, hair styling, setting, cutting, tinting, decolorizing, chemical texturing services, special effects haircoloring, facials, manicures, hand and arm massages, bacteriology, anatomy, hygiene, sanitation, and salon management. Safety and customer relations are also emphasized throughout the program.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time, Part Time
Typical Program Length 16 Months
Clock Hours 1,500
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees
Textbook/Supplies Cost

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials


Monday - Thursday 7:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.

Campus Locations

Main Campus
1635 Technology Way
PO BOX 848
Athens, TN 37303


First Trimester: 
COS 0001 Worker Characteristic
COS 1010 Orientation
COS 1020 Sterilization, Bacteriology
COS 1030 Anatomy and Physiology
COS 1040 Shop Ethics and Salesmanship
COS 1050 State Law
COS 1060 Tech Foundations
COS 1070 Shampooing and Rinsing
COS 1080 Hair and Scalp Care
COS 1090 Hair Shaping
COS 1100 Hairstyling
COS 1110 Facials
COS 1120 Manicuring and Pedicuring
COS 1130 Permanent Waving
COS 1140 Hair Structure and Chemistry
Second Trimester: 
COS 0002 Worker Characteristic
COS 2010 Sterilization, Bacteriology II
COS 2020 Anatomy and Physiology II
COS 2030 Shop Ethics & Salesmanship II
COS 2040 Shampooing and Rinsing II
COS 2050 Hair and Scalp Care II
COS 2060 Hair Shaping II
COS 2070 Hairstyling II
COS 2080 Facials and Eyebrows
COS 2090 Manicuring and Pedicuring II
COS 2100 Permanent Waves II
COS 2110 Hair Relaxers
COS 2120 Hair Color and Lightening
COS 2130 Hair Structure & Chemistry II
Third Trimester: 
COS 0003 Worker Characteristic
COS 3010 Sterilization Bacteriology III
COS 3020 Anatomy and Physiology III
COS 3030 Shop Ethics & Salesmanship III
COS 3040 Hair Shaping III
COS 3050 Hairstyling III
COS 3060 Facials and Eyebrows III
COS 3070 Permanent Waves III
COS 3080 Hair Relaxers II
COS 3090 Hair Color and Lightening III
COS 3100 Sculptured Nails
Fourth Trimester: 
COS 0004 Worker Characteristic
COS 4010 Sterilization, Bacteriology IV
COS 4020 Shop Ethics & Salesmanship IV
COS 4030 State Law II
COS 4040 Hair Shaping IV
COS 4050 Hairshaping IV
COS 4060 Permanent Waving IV
COS 4070 Hair Relaxers III
COS 4080 Hair Color and Lightening IV


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